
The Floors of a Zone are distinct from the Ceilings of the Zone even if they share similar geometry & many features.

A Floor is created automatically when a Zone is drawn and might be automatically split and connected to any ceilings on levels below on creation.



Floors are selected in the Visual View if the Floor / Ceiling Visual Layer is currently set to Floor on the Visual View’s Top Toolbar. For further information on the Floor / Ceiling Visual Layer see: Visual View Top Toolbar

Floors can also be selected within the Data-Grid within the Floor tab.

Floors share the Select Parent Context menu item similar to most objects (or its 🖱 Double Left-Click mouse shortcut). In this case, the action selects the parent Zone of the Floor.


Floors cannot be Deleted, instead, they must be Merged back together with any Split Floors of the Zone. Floors are merged by using the Merge Drawing Mode which is explained in further detail in Split & Merge Drawing Mode

Splitting Floors

Floors can be Split into separate Floors within a Zone through various means.

Firstly they can be Split manually by the user using the Split Drawing Mode feature (Split & Merge Drawing Mode). This is typically performed when the Floors across a zone have different properties such as Assembly or Construction, Insulation, Floor Covering or Adjacency.

 Automatic Splits

Floors are also Split Automatically by Hero when any adjacent Ceilings are detected on the Level below. This can occur after a new Zone has been created or when Floors or Ceilings are moved.

Hero’s Automatic Splitting Feature is a very handy tool that removes the requirement to manually split and connect adjacent spaces.

However, there are occasions where manual User adjustment or overriding of the adjacency & other construction properties (assembly & insulation) of automatically split Floors & Ceilings is required after a split.

For example in the image below, a Zone’s Floors have been split into 3 Floors with 2 adjacent Internal connections to the Ceilings below, but also a third Floor “FLR 05” which has an initial default adjacency of “Ground” and Construction “CSOG-100” which is inappropriate.

In this example, the User would be best to set FLR 05 to Neighbouring Adjacency which will then trigger a Construction change & update too, as this section has an Adiabatic Adjacency condition that should be ignored in a Chenath simulation (e.g. no temperature difference, only the internal mass of materials).

Offset Points

Floors can have Points added to their polygon shape after they’ve been created.

To do so, 🖱 Right-Click near an edge of a Floor (not clicking a Wall) and select the Add Point action.

This will add a Floor Point at the location as well as to any adjoining Floors, and to any Ceilings at that location if appropriate.

These Points are not shared with any Wall point, if you desire to add the point to a Wall point as well as a Floor/Ceiling point then you should use the Split Wall feature.

These Floor Points can be deleted by 🖱 Right-Click them and choosing the Delete Point action. If the Point can be validly deleted while keeping the Floor polygon regular, then the Point will be deleted.

These Floor Points are also created when Floors are automatically or manually split by Hero.


Floor Points can be moved around within the Visual View by 🖱 Left-Clicking → Dragging the Floor Points. If there is a Ceiling Point sharing this Point, it will also be moved. Similar to many Move actions, holding ⌨ Shift-key while moving will lock the move in a straight Horizontal or Vertical direction.


Note that at the end of a Move, Hero performs a check for whether the Floors within a Zone should Auto-Merge. This feature is required to reduce the number of Floors that get created through splits & moving points.

A Floor will automatically merge back into other similar Floors if they share similar properties such as Assembly, Insulation, Colour & Adjacency type.

If you have just split a Floor and then are trying to adjust the points of the Split, to avoid this Auto-Merging of a similar Floor you should change the properties of the newly split Floor to the different properties that it represents before doing the move point, otherwise, you’ll merge the newly split Floor and have to repeat yourself.

Floor Constructions

Similar to Walls & Ceilings, Floors have a Construction or Assembly as well as Insulation Options that defines the material makeup of the Floor for simulation. The Floor Covering of the floor also adds to this material build-up of the assembly.

Similar to Walls & Ceilings, Floors have a Construction or Assembly as well as Insulation Options that defines the material makeup of the Floor for Simulation. The Floor Covering of the Floor also adds to this material build-up of the assembly. These are discussed in further detail in the Data-Grid section below.




Edited Within


Hero has a variety of Default Floor Assemblies that can be used, and these are visible within the Construction column of the Floor Data Grid. The current Assemblies include assemblies of types:

  • Concrete Slab On-Ground: Various thicknesses

  • Concrete Waffle-Pod Slabs: Various thicknesses.

  • Suspended Timber Floors: One unlined & one lined with the fibre-cement sheet below

  • Suspended Concrete Floors: Of various thicknesses & lining

  • Suspended AAC: AAC or Hebel-type Floor Assembly (75mm thickness)

Suspended Timber Floors & Timber Floor Coverings

It should be noted that the Suspended Timber Floor Assemblies reference to “Timber” is only as of the structural material and that it is the Floor Covering which determines whether the Floor has Timber Floorboards or not, not the Assembly.

Floor Assemblies Lined Below

The Suspended Timber & Suspended Concrete assemblies that are “Lined Below” are for use when the Floor is suspended such as over a Subfloor Zone or over the External Environment, and are not to be used when there is an actual Ceiling from another Zone below as the Ceiling Material will be added already to the Assembly build-up.

Changing the Assembly in the Data-Grid may change the Adjacency type of the Floor if required such as when changing from a Concrete Slab On Ground assembly which has a Ground Adjacency to a Suspended Timber Assembly will change the adjacency to Subfloor or External Adjacency depending on Level height, & vice-versa.

Floors that have an Adjacent Ceiling below them will not be able to change to a Ground-type Assembly (such as Concrete Slab on the Ground or Waffle Pod slabs) and in this situation, these Ground Types Assemblies will not be shown within the drop-down of the Wall Data-Grid Construction column.

Internal Floor/Ceiling Constructions

When a Floor has an Adjacent Ceiling below it, such as on a two-story dwelling, or between two apartment dwellings, the full material buildup for the Assembly is determined by both the Floor & the Ceiling’s properties.

An Internal Ceiling can only have a plasterboard ceiling or exposed ceiling Assembly applied to it, and the internal Ceiling will not be able to have Insulation applied to it in the Data Grid. If this internal Floor/Ceiling is to be insulated, the insulation is to be applied to the Floor above.

The complete material build-up that will be Simulated is the Floor Covering + the Floor Assembly + any Floor Insulation + the Ceiling Assembly below.

Construction Column


In addition to the Construction or Assembly of the Floor, the Floor Data-Grid also contains a Type column that is used for reference & information but that if changed may change both the Assembly and Adjacency Type to the relevant defaults for that Type as required. See above Assembly row for details.

Type Column

Insulation Option

The Insulation (if any) can be added to a Floor via the Insulation column of the Floor Data-grid. There is a variety of Floor Insulation Options available depending on the Floor Construction, including:

Slab on Ground Assemblies: Several common R-values under-slab insulation products.

Waffle Pod Assemblies: Various thicknesses of EPS-foam waffle-pod void formers that lie below the slab. The R-values are the thermally bridged R-values that account for the concrete ribs or beams across the floor. There is also an uninsulated option in the list for non-foam based waffle-pods such as plastic void formers etc.

Suspended Floors: A variety of Insulation options that represent common insulation systems including:

  • No insulation: This would be used if the Floor was exposed directly below it such as a Timber Floorboard where the Floorboards are directly exposed & visible from underneath; or for a Suspended Concrete slab floor where the slab is exposed to the air directly underneath.

  • Non-reflective Air-gap: This would be appropriate for most common Internal Floors between the Floor Covering and Ceiling below there is an empty air gap (if uninsulated).

  • Batt Insulation Materials

  • Reflective Air-gaps combined with Bulk Insulation Materials: Appropriate to use to simulate reflective membrane insulation products such as Kingspan’s Permifloor, or reflective rigid EPS insulation products such as Foilboard, etc of various thicknesses & reflectivity.

Insulation Column

Slab Edge Insulation

Concrete Slab on Ground & Waffle-pod Floors can have Slab Edge Insulation added to them via the Slab Edge Insulation column in the Floor data grid. There are a fixed variety of typical R-value products that can be selected for the Floor.

Note Slab-Edge Insulation is applied in Chenath as a single property of the Ground Layer of the Chenath Simulation. Therefore to model Slab-Edge Insulation within Hero the user should apply it to all Floors on the same Level rather than just to the perimeter Zone Floors.

Slab Edge Insulation Column

Floor Covering

Floor Coverings are used to model the effects of various materials on top of the Floor Assembly within a Simulation.

The Floor Coverings have slightly different Materials depending on whether they are applied to a Suspended Timber Floor or not.

See the Floor Covering Table below for further details.    

Covering Column


The Gross Area of the Floor in Square Metres (i.e. does not include Holes/Stairwell area)

Not Editable within Data-Grid

Sub-Floor Ventilation Type

Floors with a Sub-Floor Adjacency can toggle the Ventilation rate of that Sub-Floor Zone through the Ventilation column in the Floor Data-grid. This is described in further detail in the Sub-floor Zone section.

Subfloor Ventilation Column


Floor Adjacency Types

Similar to Walls & Ceilings, Floors have a variety of different adjacency conditions that are determined by whether the Floor is adjacent to actual model objects or that can be selected manually by the user.

Adjacency Type


Editable Within Data Grid


The Floor is directly adjacent to Ground such as for a Concrete Slab or Waffle-pod Assembly. If the Adjacency type is changed then the Assembly will be automatically changed away from a Ground-type Assembly.



Floor is adjacent to a Sub-Floor Zone.

When a Floor has a Subfloor Adjacency, Hero will automatically create a Subfloor Zone underneath the Floor, or if a Subfloor Zone already exists on that Level, will expand the Subfloor Zone to encompass the area below the newly changed Floor.

Subfloor Zones are detailed further in the Zone section of this tutorial and have many special properties.



If the Floor is sufficiently elevated such that the area below it does not form an enclosed or semi-enclosed Sub-Floor Zone, then the External Adjacency Type should be used. This represents a Floor that is simply adjacent to the External environment temperature (i.e. outside air).



Floor adjacent to a Ceiling from the same Dwelling


Neighbouring (Actual Connection)

Floors adjacent to a Ceiling from a different Dwelling.

Neighbouring Adjacency Types are simulated as Adiabatic boundaries in the Simulation meaning that no effective heat transfer is modelled between them.


Neighbouring (Manual Selection)

Floors adjacent to a Conditioned Space that is not part of the Hero model (i.e. Adjacent Buildings, Commercial Spaces etc).

Neighbouring Adjacency Types are simulated as Adiabatic boundaries in the Simulation meaning that no effective heat transfer is modelled between them.



Floors adjacent to an actual Carpark Zone that is part of the Common Area Dwelling



Floors adjacent to an actual Corridor Zone that is part of the Common Area Dwelling



Floor Coverings

Floor Covering Name

Modelled Material

Additional Layers for Suspended Timber Floor


12mm Timber Hardwood

19mm Particleboard layer


10mm Carpet with 8mm Rubber Underlay

19mm Particleboard layer


8mm Ceramic Tile

19mm Particleboard layer + 6mm Compressed Fibre-Cement Underlay


3mm Vinyl Floor Tile

19mm Particleboard layer


6mm Cork Floor Tile

19mm Particleboard layer


75mm Brick Floor



10mm Slate Floor

19mm Particleboard layer


50mm Soil Floor



No Floor Covering (i.e. just Assembly + Insulation Option)

N/A (only available for Slab Assemblies)

Roof-Space Soffit Floors

When a Ceiling has a Roof-Space Adjacency such as formed by an Attic Assembly type, then a special Soffit Floor will be automatically created for the Roofspace and will become visible in the Floor Data-Grid tab. These are discussed further in the Roof-space Zone section.

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