Hero Desktop Help

User Manual for the Hero Desktop application, covering all aspects from Installation, the User Interface and the Model.


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Page: Alerts
Hero raises a variety of Alerts to notify the user of incorrect or incomplete information. Although sometimes shown in the Visual View, these Alerts are collected & shown to the user in the Alerts View, located on the Main Toolbar. The Alert Icon will be


Page: Background Images
Overview Background Images are the foundation of a Hero Model and enable the User to trace over the Plans of a Building to create their Model within Hero. Background Images are created on a per Levels https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/pag


Page: Ceiling Fan & Penetrations Drawing Mode
image-20200616-041402.png Ceiling-Fans & Ceiling Penetrations such as Exhaust Fans, Downlights & Chimneys can be created in the Visual View using the Ceiling Fan, Exhaust Fan & Downlight Drawing-Modes, with associated keyboard shortcuts: ⌨ F for Ceilings
Page: Ceiling Fans & Penetrations
Overview Ceiling Fans & Penetrations (collectively referred to as Zone Items below) represent Fixtures added to Ceilings within Zones. Zone Items can be created using the Ceiling Fan & Penetrations Drawing Mode https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spac
Page: Ceilings
The Ceilings of a Zone are distinct from the Floors of the Zone, even if they share similar geometry & many features. A Ceiling is created automatically when a Zone is drawn and might be automatically Split and Connected to any Floors on Levels above on c
Page: Construction Library
Another primary Model View of Hero is the Construction Library, where Wall Constructions & Insulation are created, edited & managed, as well as the Window & Skylight Library Views. The Construction Library is similar to other primary views in that it be s


Page: Data Grid View
One of the primary Model Views is the Data-Grid, where much of the detailed modelling attributes are set & amended. The Data-Grid is grouped into different Tabs that focus on the various Model types that Hero uses, from the Project which is the highest le
Page: Downloading Hero
You must have a registered & activated Hero User Account prior to being able to Download Hero. See Registering a User Account https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/pages/328826920/Registering+a+User+Account for more details Log-in to the Hero
Page: Dwellings
OVERVIEW A Dwelling within Hero represents a single Home or Apartment within the Project.. Hero is a Multi-dwelling modelling tool in that it allows all Dwellings to be modelled within the one Hero Project & save file. Dwellings have separate Chenath simu


Page: Eaves
Overview Eaves are Horizontal Shade Objects that are Connected to Walls so that their Shading Impacts (i.e. reduced Solar Gains) can be Simulated Eaves are modelled as Line like objects within Hero, and must be Manually Connected by the User to each Wall


Page: Floating Wall Drawing Mode
image-20200616-041800.png To Draw a special Floating Wall including Split or Overhead or Floating or Internal Thermal Mass Walls you use the New Wall button in the Left Toolbar or the keyboard shortcut ⌨ N Floating Walls needs to begin within their paren
Page: Floors
The Floors of a Zone are distinct from the Ceilings of the Zone even if they share similar geometry & many features. A Floor is created automatically when a Zone is drawn and might be automatically split and connected to any ceilings on levels below on cr
Page: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Below are some frequently-asked-questions that may assist you using Hero energy-rating software. If you do not find what you are seeking below then, please contact your AAO, or visit their help sections such as: Design Matters TPA FAQ https://www.designma



Page: Hero Desktop Help
User Manual for the Hero Desktop application, covering all aspects from Installation, the User Interface and the Model. Frequently used articles Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/pages/287014913 Installing
Page: Hero Help
Welcome to Hero’s knowledge base & help manual Search this space Frequently used articles Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/pages/287014913 Installing Hero https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HS
Page: Hero Interface
This section holds information on the Hero User Interface and all it’s key elements. Hero Interface
Page: Hero Model
This section holds all information relating to the Model created using Hero, from it’s highest level object the Project, down to its smallest parts such as Ceiling Fans & Penetrations. @self
Home page: Hero Support Desk
Welcome to Hero’s Knowledge Base & Help Manual Search this space Frequently used articles Frequently Asked Questions https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/pages/287014913 Installing Hero https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/page
Page: Hero Transition Tutorial - BERS Pro (in progress)
Overview This page is designed to assist NatHERS Assessors whose main alternative NatHERS Software Tool was BERS Pro developed by Energy Inspections. The page aims to translate modelling concepts, lingo & features to make Users better understand & feel mo
Page: Hero Web Help
Help articles for issues relating to the Hero Web site including registration, downloading, payment and certification related issues. Hero Web Help
Page: Holes
A Hole is the name Hero gives to Horizontal Openings between two Zones. The most common application for using Holes within a Project is to model a Stairwell or similar opening between two Zones. The addition of a Hole between the two Zones ensures that th


Page: Import & Scale Backgrounds
image-20200616-042904.png Background Images for the Current Level can be created using the Import Background function, accessed on the Left Toolbar, or using keyboard shortcut ⌨ B. image-20200616-042921.png Alternatively you can access the same functional
Page: Installing Hero
This article provides some assistance with possible installation issues with Hero’s desktop application. To install Hero please visit the Download page http://hero-software.com.au/download at the Hero web-portal. You must have a registered user account to




Page: Levels
OVERVIEW A Level (or Storey) is an abstract object within the Hero Data Model that represents a Reference Plane at which other Model objects are contained within. Levels act as Reference Planes so that height of objects can be determined based on that Pla


Page: Main Toolbar
The Main Toolbar allows navigation between the two current main views, the Model View https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/pages/328368184/Model+View & the Results View https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/pages/328400956/Resul
Page: Measure Drawing Mode
Hero contains a Measure Utility Mode that enables users to quickly check Measurements, Perimeters & Areas on the model image-20200616-043828.png Enter Measure Mode by clicking the Measure button on the Left Toolbar or the ⌨ Q keyboard shortcut. image-2020
Page: Menu Bar
The Menu Bar holds system actions such as creating new, saving & opening projects as well as holding some Edit, View & Help functions. The File Menu holds Project actions including: Create New Project: Creates a blank project ⌨ Ctrl + N Save Project: Save
Page: Model View
The Model View holds all views related to Model creation & editing, including the 3 primary model views: Visual View https://herosoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HSD/pages/328859715/Visual+View where geometry is drawn & adjusted, Data Grid View https://



Page: Opening Drawing Mode
The Opening Drawing-Mode, allows creation of Windows, Doors & Permanent Openings. image-20200616-034424.png Click the relevant opening type button on the Left Toolbar, or use the keyboard shortcuts, ⌨ W for Windows, ⌨ D for Doors and ⌨ P for Permanent Ope
Page: Openings
Overview Openings refer to several types of Wall Openings including Windows, Doors (including Opaque Louvres) & Permanent Openings within the Hero Model. Their properties are different depending on their type. Windows Windows are used to represent all non
Page: Other Help Topics
Tooltips Tooltips are an invaluable resource to find out further information on items within the Hero interface. To show a tooltip hover over the items for a few seconds, if there is a tooltip available for this item it will then be shown. We will be cont


Page: Project
OVERVIEW A Project represents the highest level aspect of a Hero model. It holds high level data about the Project such as its Name, Type, as well as Site Information & Certification Notes. It then holds either one Dwellings https://herosoftware.atlassian



Page: Registering a User Account
To download your free copy of Hero desktop energy-modelling software, you must have registered and verified a Hero User Account. To register a User Account: Proceed to the Registration / Sign Up Page at Hero’s website http://hero-software.com.au/auth/regi
Page: Resolving Memory Issues & Errors
This page lists a range of strategies to address any memory issues you may encounter using Hero Desktop such as Out of Memory Errors. We are always working on improving the memory performance of Hero but if the solutions below do not resolve your memory e
Page: Results View
The Results View located next to the Model View presents detailed information on the Results of Simulations performed for Hero Projects. The Results View is not able to be shown until a Project has completed a simulation, at which time it will get enabled


Page: Screen & Eave Drawing Modes
image-20200616-040712.png Screens & Eaves are created using the Screen or Eave Drawing-Mode buttons on the Left Toolbar or using the keyboard shortcuts ⌨ S & ⌨ E respectively. Screens & Eaves are drawn as Lines on the plan by Left-Clicking each edge. You
Page: Screens
Overview Screens are Vertical Shade Objects that are Connected to Walls they are in Parallel to so that their Shading Impacts (i.e. reduced Solar Gains) can be Simulated. Screens should be used to model Fences, Balustrades, Adjacent Buildings as well as a
Page: Settings
The Settings view is where users can adjust certain preferences used within Hero. The first setting "Open Previous Project on Start" means when Hero loads up it will automatically load into the last project that was loaded into Hero. If this setting is tu
Page: Simulations
One of the main functions of Hero is to enable energy simulations of modelled buildings to take place. These simulations calculate the amount of energy required to heat or cool a building to keep rooms within their thermostat setting bands. The calculated
Page: Skylight & Hole Drawing Mode
Skylights & Holes are created in a similar way in the Visual View using the Skylight & Hole Drawing-modes respectively. image-20200616-035450.png Click the Draw Skylight or Draw Hole buttons to enter the require drawing-mode or use the keyboard shortcuts
Page: Skylight Library
The Skylight library presents the various Roof Window & Skylight specifications available for use within Hero based on the NatHERS Default library & a small number of custom manufacturer roof window specifications. Given the small number of skylight & roo
Page: Skylights
Skylights need to be modelled within a Project for their solar gains, heat-loss & ventilation effects to be modelled. Skylight Type The term “Skylight” is used both as a generic term for all Skylight / Roof Window objects, however there are actually three
Page: Split & Merge Drawing Mode
image-20200616-042045.png The Split Drawing Mode allows Floors & Ceilings, Walls & Openings to be easily Split into additional copies. Enter Split Drawing Mode by clicking the Split button on the left toolbar or using the keyboard shortcut ⌨ T. Splitting
Page: Suggest a new feature for Hero
note Got a Suggestion? We’d love to hear from you about anything you’d like improved or added to Hero! Our Feature Request board below contains a list of some previous suggestions & some stuff we’re working on! Vote for any ideas in the board that you’d l



Page: User Profile
image-20200630-005045.png The User Profile section of the Hero Web-Portal holds information about your Hero account and allows you edit those details. You must be Logged into the Hero Web-Portal for the User Profile to be accessed. Access the User Profile


Page: Visual View
The Visual View is where much of the geometry creation, drawing & adjustment takes place during Model creation. CHANGING THE VIEW You can move around the Visual View using the Scroll-Wheel to zoom in & out of the Project. You can pan across the Project b
Page: Visual View Left Toolbar & Drawing Modes
Most objects such as Zones, Windows, Doors and many others are created using Hero's Drawing Modes. These Drawing Modes are accessed on the Visual View's Left Toolbar. They include: image-20200616-022500.png Free Drawing Mode or Default mode image-202006
Page: Visual View Top Toolbar
The Visual View's Top Toolbar holds various controls that effect what is shown on the Visual view. FIT TO PLAN BUTTON image-20200616-020429.png The Fit Plan button (or its keyboard shortcut ⌨ Home) will zoom the view to the full extents of the current Pro


Page: Wall Construction Library
The Wall Construction Library holds information on the Default & Custom Wall Assemblies as well as their associated Insulation Options. It allows you to create new Custom Wall Assemblies, edit & delete existing ones and select what Assemblies you would li
Page: Walls
Overview This Tutorial Section discusses in detail how Walls are modelled, used & some of their properties within Hero, including how they are integrated into the Visual & Data-Grid Views. All Zones are completely bounded by Walls along their edges, and w
Page: Window Library
The Window Library is primarily concerned with the selection of Windows that you would like to use within your Project. The Window Library is split into two main sections, the Complete Window Library which shows all 14,000 available windows from the WERS
Page: Wing Walls
Overview Wing-Walls are shade objects used to model Vertical Shading that is projecting out Perpendicularly from both Left & Right ends of a Wall so that their Shading Impacts (i.e. reduced Solar Gains) can be Simulated. Wing-Walls can be Automatically Cr




Page: Zone Drawing Mode
image-20200616-024822.png Zones are created by entering the Zone Drawing-Mode using the Left Toolbar create zone button or ⌨ Z keyboard shortcut. Zones can be drawn in several different ways through the Rectangle or Line Sub-Modes. image-20200616-025336.p
Page: Zones
Overview Within most Energy-Modelling programs including Hero, simulated spaces are defined & organised into Zones. These Zones typically represents “Rooms” of a Building however they are more accurately described as any Space or Volume of Air that is ind



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