Nick Bishop
Enclosed Wood Fireplace - Sealed/Unsealed
Transitioned from old forums, original post Sep 2021
Exhaust Fan Diameter Discrepancy
Copied from old forums, original post Sept' 21
Hero: Our Mission and Back Story (and gratuitous self promotion)
Officialz: Hero Software was founded to provide the NatHERS and sustainable building industry the tools to quickly and accurately model and optimise buildings. We want to help energy-raters spend ...
Hero Feature requests
Submit features ideas in this section of the Community for consideration to bring into our Features Roadmap!See our Trello page roadmap @Trello Thanks for being on the journey with Hero
What is the community?
The Hero Community has been setup to: Discuss important industry trends shaping our work and client needs, Support users on their journey from Hero-101 to becoming power users, and everything in ...