Establishing a HERO version 3 Self Help Group on Zoom or MS Teams kick off 12th Aug (Fri) 4-5pm -Are You Interested

Hi all

Would anybody be interested to come together from 4-5pm Fridays in a zoom meeting to discuss learning issues in learning/using Hero Version 3 

I am a Hero learner(very raw) – I started the course in 2021 but was busy with work at the time -I now want to go back and learn this great software

-would you be interested to form a Group to discuss issues that arise in learning the software – I am pretty raw I intend to start the model again from the start -if interested please let me know -would could kick off on 12th Aug  4-5pm on Zoom (or MS Teams which ever is easier ) -if interested please make contact (I will have to learn how to set up a Zoom meeting !!!!)

Mike Purtell

Springwood NSW

Mob 0421216787 



Date Votes
  • Hey Mike,

    I think it's a great idea, I think some beginner/learner Hero user groups would be a great idea


  • Hi Nik -yes it would be really good but I was perhaps a bit too quick off the mark -havnt managed to contact anybody yet -too much on -always the way -so wont happen this Fri but once i restart my revision I will be searching for users to come onboard -or maybe you could send out an email to all those  learning at present 

    Mike mob 0421216787 


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