Possibility to include in a non certified rating -the air changes /hr
just wondering if it is possibly in non certified mode the facility to alter the air changes of the house being rated
at present NatHERS sets the rate at 10 air changes /hr -would be amazing to be able to alter this to advise and encourage clients to get a "blower test" as part of their contract -I would also like to enter my house in Hero (1950s leaky weatherb/d) -would love to carry out a blower test before and after sealing the House (apply sarking + insulation to ext walls seal windows & doors) to tighten the air flow thru the building -seems like this would be wonderful to give an indication of possible thermal performance improvement -and we could then set the house according to the before and after blower test -would be interested to see if this is possible -many thanks in advance for this amazing software Mike Purtell mob 0421216787
Hey Mike,
You'll be pleased to hear this is contained in the latest Hero v3 release which you may not have downloaded yet.
But you can now do pretty much exactly what you describe there in non-regulatory mode within the Air Tightness section of the Project data-grid tab,
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